i got the opportunity to go back for two months this summer and i'm really excited. i won't be spending the whole time in matzam, which is a little disappointing - but we will be back there for at least one week. i'm looking forward to seeing more of mexico, in general, and also getting to know the missionaries, jan and pablo better.
the people in matzam were the most joyful, incredible people i've ever met. i felt connected to them, despite the fact that we could hardly speak with each other. some of men spoke spanish, but they mostly spoke their native language. slowly, but surely, in living together for a week and working together, we grew closer. we laughed together and built a church together and ate together and got soaked in rain storms together.
for a single week i felt free from so much - judgment, and anxiety - life is just so simple there. it's amazing the ways that we've created all of this commotion and have disguised it as life. and so, i get to go to back to mexico, in search of life. in order to live.
Laura, this is so incredible. We should do coffee or wine or something and I want to hear all about it and all about what you've been up to. Your photos are so good. You've blown me away. Stay beautiful.