things have been just so dark lately. the combination of winter, absolutely hating my job, and indecision about the most important things in my life has created the hardest season of my life yet. and not hard, like a break up, which is also sweet and soft and gentle. but hard, like painful, and self-hatred, and doubt and so many things unfinished, so many things not yet begun.
and so, these days, i have saturday morning. and relief. as silence. as peace. the furthest from monday i could be. the alonest i am. one day of freedom. one day of excitement. one day of possibility. one day of peace.
this picture is what saturday morning looks and feels like. i guess i love this picture because i think it communicates the feeling of this time and space so well.
Laura, I love that every time I read your blog, I can actually hear your voice narrating. You don't fake anything. It's so beautiful.