Tuesday, July 7, 2009

shade / water / little things

these are some pictures from oak creek canyon. it's the canyon before sedona. you should google sedona, i didn't take any pictures while i was there because we didn't do any hiking so all of the pictures would have been from the road and stupid. we had a pretty good time - the canyon is absolutely beautiful, and luscious, and green and there's streams and beautiful flowers and life. nothing like the arizona most people picture. it felt good to get my feet wet and walk in the creek. we camped that night under more than a billion stars. there was hope that a group of christians that appear to have nothing in common could be a community that night. so i fell asleep happy, with holy expectancy of a new day.


  1. Hi sweet girl! These pictures are amazing. Will you send me the single leaf pic? It is amazing!! You are so poeting and thoughtful and amazing. I hope you are being careful and takin good care of you. We missed you so much for the 4th. Not the same! Love you, Jen

  2. all of your photos are gorgeous. it makes me wish that i was there - enjoying some alone time in the beautiful outdoors!

  3. I love your pictures Laura. You have an awesome natural talent for capturing the beauty in everything. Even the inconspicuous plants that many would just walk by and the lonely crumpled leaf. I am so anxious about visiting... three months kinda feels like eternity. Keep taking more pictures!!! I look at them for awhile so it makes the time go quickly. -Denise
    the solo leaf pic with the water droplets, incredible.

  4. i second denise. that photo is just so amazing. i can tell that being in the grand canyon heightens that ability you have, like denise said - of capturing the beauty in everything. that photo in particular forces you to look more closely at the 'mundane'until it becomes its opposite. i also love the white/yellow contrast shots a lot.
